Dereco pora - tupi, brazilian nativ language
Bom dia - portugues
Purru acoeto - banto, an african langhuage
PJ – II. Module Identity/ Vision of Brazil
2nd lecture „ Costumes & Religion“ with Dona Marli Pereira
We continued our studies based on the very valued book documetary of Darcy Ribeiro
including other experts of the brazilian culture.
The second lecture was very complementary to Rangels, we now looked deeper into the historical part of the different influences of the Brazilian culture. We got to know:
- The CAIPIRAS – the first Brazilians, being sons of the native population and the Portugues.
- The CRIOLOS – sons of Portuguese and African slaves
- The SULINOS - including several Europeans folks who populated areas in the South of Brazil..
These three new groups of inhabitants build up the foundation of the Brazilians which was based on violent and random invasion of the Sulinos. They raped natives and slaves, this was the first generation of Caipiras and Criolos.
…-Maybe nowadays we have a kind of social revenge beside educational challenges looking at corruption, crime, violence and poverty. But in majority there are healthy and original influences such as joy peace, happiness and creativity living in an open soul, which we have to consider and take care of.
So we dealt and will be kept occupied with following questions:
What kind of relation we Brazilians have to our roots, knowledge, capacity to do and transform?
What kind of attitude do we have towards work and life?
How much did the new created culture later on suffer because of the industrialism and consumism based on fault needs and disorientation?
Very inspired and full of impressions we led to the afternoon activities, as homework we were being asked to prepare something more deeply connected with the delt topics. For the next seminar the students will create a lesson for themselves.
After lunch we were tought to make traditional Brazilian sweets as:
Pe de Moleque – Sweet penuts
Bolo de Bagaco de Mihlo com coco – Corncake with coconut
Geleia de Abacxi – Pinaplegele
Doce de Abobora com coco- Sweet pumpkin with coconut
Cural de milho – Cornpudding
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